Sorting highlites ARRANGED on the page.

Anatolii Bakhtin

I'd be over the moon if it was:
1. I can change the sorting of highlites according to how THEY ARE ARRANGED on the page, not just old-new / new-old
Even if it can only be done on the original site page, it would be awesome!!!

The app is very handy, cool, thanks guys!


Activity Newest / Oldest


Jon Pedersen

Merged with: Sorting/order function of articles should be saved.



hi, I would prefer having my newest highlights appear on top of the dashboard, the board allows me to do that but I have to re-click it again everytime I launch the dashboard. I don't know if you intentionally design it like that. But I think most users would want the option to be saved.



Allow users to rearrange the highlights in a file manually.
OR arrange the highlights according to their text order in the file, NOT the order of periods when the highlights were added.


Weava Support

Merged with: Allow to arrange highlights within a file


Weava Support

Hi Anatolii Bakhtin,

Thank you for this request! We truly appreciate you taking the time to help us improve.

We understand the convenience of sorting highlights in the order of original website.

We will further monitor the votes for this request. We apologize that we are currently unable to meet your wanted features of Weava, but we hope that you can find value of using Weava tool.

Again, thank you so much for helping us improve

Happy Highlighting!

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self explaining?


Weava Support

Merged with: Sort highlights on the order of appearance in the original content


Jovan Gash

Yes. It's frustrating when I've highlighted a whole page and upon review notice that I need to highlight a header. The highlighted headers are now at the bottom, which makes them useless if done in the wrong order from the beginning.

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Ms R

Yes I just noticed this issue. I've used other apps that sorted highlights automatically based on their order on the page, because this obviously makes sense. Re-reading highlights in the wrong order is confusing and disconcerting.

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Can you suggest any alternatives like you've mentioned please? thanks


Faisal khan

This is so important to have a feature on sorting by location in doc. It is real incovenience, not having this feature

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Faisal khan

This seems to be a basic feature weava tools should support

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