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In trying to re-organize some highlights I recently posted, I noticed that I was not able to move them around from folder to folder. Being able to do so (for university work especially) is a GREAT help. I take frequent notes for assignments, and while referencing and citing, I would like to be able to do them by assignment then an there, or at a later date. I really appreciate Weava, and it has been a big help! I hope this is a good help for others as well (even in business)! Thank you!


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Weava Support

Thank you so much for taking the time to write us a request.

If by "re-organize some highlights" you mean transferring them from one folder to another, we're pleased to inform you that this feature is already available in Weava. You can easily move highlights between folders to keep your information organized, you can check our resource page to learn more: www.weavatools.com/organize-with-weava/

If you have a different context in mind or if you have additional questions, please provide more details so we can assist you accordingly. We're here to help!

Thank you for using Weava!