Jon Pedersen |
On entering a webpage (or PDF), allow the user to see all the highlights that were made on that page, but saved into different folders.(i.e create a highlight and save it into folder 'A', create another highlight and save it into folder 'B' and be able to render on the webpage both the highlights).
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nestor julian perez rincon
Me parce importante, ya que algunas veces se encuntra con fragmentos que no pertenecen a ninguna carpeta, pero lo deseas tener en cuenta para futuras consultas.
Saurabh Meena
Please include ability to search globally alongwith it
Kathi Brandt
Yes yes yes. And have the ability to manually sort highlights within the folder. Similar to how you sort songs in a Spotify queue by sliding them up and down.
Upendra Rana
Any progress on this ? I am a Weava user for more than 5 years now, it's a shame that this feature is still under review. This is a deal breaker, I am forced to switch to a different tool even though Weava is better in many other ways.
Steve de Peijper
Same here, already switched to web highlighter. Always been a great fan of Weava, but it seems it's not under active development anymore. Pity.
Ian Watson
Please enable the change of background color! Make it black or green, better for eyes. Thank you!
Jon Pedersen
Status changed to: Under review
Ayron Wohletz
I would rather just keep all my highlights in one big folder, but I use separate folders so that I can remember which highlights I have already exported or not (e.g. August 28th onward, September 4th onward, and so on). Either this feature or adding an indicator to which highlights have been exported would make my usage much easier.
Jon Pedersen
Duly noted Ayron, thank you for that very valuable feedback and added info. As for the "indicator", I also suggest you make a separate feature request for that. Thanks again.
Jon Pedersen
Enabling highlights on a given page to be visible, regardless of which folder is the "active folder"
Jon Pedersen
Merged with: Show highlights from all folders.
Jon Pedersen
Thanks Reznicencu, we already have another existing request for this - so I will be merging your request with that one.
Jon Pedersen
Status changed to: Planned