Those are really great suggestions a b. Later we will circle back to this and confirm whether this will be integrated directly as part of this feature - or if not, then we will break that up into a separate feature request. But we definitely see value in the suggestions you made.
Thx Jon. Advanced search features are generally what i was looking for to help manage complexity when i first came across Weava. Essentially i would like to be able to egrep all my notes without having to export them to txt first.
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Still missing the search in notes
Double Information
Missing search in notes. :(
a b
Could it even include regex searching? These kind of search additions would be by far the most valuable that i can envisage.
Jon Pedersen
Those are really great suggestions a b. Later we will circle back to this and confirm whether this will be integrated directly as part of this feature - or if not, then we will break that up into a separate feature request. But we definitely see value in the suggestions you made.
a b
Thx Jon. Advanced search features are generally what i was looking for to help manage complexity when i first came across Weava. Essentially i would like to be able to egrep all my notes without having to export them to txt first.
a b
Could this include ANDs, ORs, NOTs?
Jon Pedersen
Status changed to: Planned