Dark background

Mr. Prime

Make the background of the PDF viewer dark. Similar to the dark mode viewing of PDF in normal viewer


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Jake Owens

I would love a black background if possible


Samantha Martinez

A dark background will be so much comfortable and helpful!


Jon Pedersen

Merged with: Dark Mode



Pretty simple, just a dark mode setting for Weava


Jon Pedersen

Status changed to: Under review



It´s been suggested before, but there´s been 3 years already and we still don´t have this function. It would be nice to have it

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Whenever you have another extension that transforms web pages to their dark variant, it would be nice for weava to be able to write on top of dark mode instead of not being able to see highlights.


Jeff Nom

Dark reader is a chrome extension that turns an otherwise pure white website (like CNN.com) to a dark mode system, changing all white background to a dark gray tint. It saves on battery and easier on the eyes for some of us. Use of weava highlight on such a screen however turns the highlight into a dark yellow/orangy hue and not the bright yellow highlighter hue we are used to.
This is of course not an easy task for the developers but maybe if they can tweak the highlighter color in such a mode/scheme it would turn the dark yellow color to bright yellow instead.


Ana Luiza Corrente

Weava's newest PDF viewer being so incredibly light is seriously off-putting. I shouldn't be looking into a filter for my entire monitor to be able to use this service.


Beatriz Sousa

It would be extremely helpful to have, for instance, for night owls who must work at night, not to blind their eyes with the power of the sun!


Grace Borden

A dark mode for pdfs would slay tbh


Weava Support

Hi Firejowl,
Thank you so much for this very detailed explanation.

We understand the convenience of having your highlights visible even if you are in dark mode, most users today prefer dark mode for it is less straining on the eye. We will further monitor the votes for this request and also discuss this internally to consider it for the future development of Weava.

We apologize that we are currently unable to meet your wanted features of Weava, but we hope that you can still find value and maximize the use of our tool to aid your work.

Happy highlighting!



Dark mode would be helpful for when you're looking through Weava at night, the bright light sometimes hurts my eyes and I have to lower the brightness which makes it difficult to see.


Weava Support


This is a good suggestion.
There are a number of users requesting the same feature.
We will make sure to add this on the road map.


Love of Wisdom

After several months, no update?



Wow I did not expect this to blow up so much thanks everyone


Arsalan M.

there is a way: bright yellow gets inverted to dark yellow and vice versa
So you'll have to pick a dark yellow. But that's a premium feature :P


Arsalan M.

I think everything should have a dark mode!


Megan Valek

Yes!!! I'm a little bit dyslexic and some days it seems worse than others, today being one of those days. Unfortunately, a dark mode Chrome extension doesn't change the PDF which is kind of the problem. And it also makes things dark mode that I don't want that way, so lose-lose. Please help!

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Jon Pedersen

Hi Megan, thank you for that detailed explanation, that is very helpful and makes it easier for us to improve. As for PDF, I would kindly suggest that you make a separate explicit feature request for that as that would require very different tech implementation than turning Weava's dashboard/sidebar dark. Thanks again Megan!


Megan Valek

Done! Thank you!

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Calvin Yu

Add dark mode/night mode to ease the eyes while burning the midnight oil.

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Jon Pedersen

Thanks for that request QuadraDoge. If you (or anyone else seeing this) have any dark mode screenshot examples that you like, then that would be further helpful. Thanks again.